Liberation Medicine

Medicine that heals is medicine that sets you FREE!
Decolonizing our cells, our souls & our medicine cabinets

When we are healthy...
we are FREE to express the unique living light of God within us & to use our mind, body & soul for the higher purposes of our existence.
current offerings

Monthly Community Gatherings dedicated to decolonizing our bodies, minds & souls from the predatory medical industrial complex.
Individualized on-call monthly homeopathy support with one 45 minute session per month with rena. There are individual or family plans available.
We offer a number of homeopathic services including
constitutional care for chronic conditions,
homeopathic detox,
homeopathic immunization
mentorship for practitioners.
A school for lovers of The Sacred with Self-Paced Programs & Live Events & Classes with Wisdom Keepers from around the world.
Liberation Gate
Monthly workshops dedicated to decolonizing our minds, bodies & souls from the predatory paradigm of the medical industrial complex.
Each month there will be a specific theme that we will explore including but not limited to:
paradigm shifting
psychological decolonization
decolonizing your medicine cabinet
at-home homeopathy practice
common ailments
metaphysics of dis-ease & health
traditional & natural medicines
nutrition & lifestyle
individual & community health
shadow work
soul & body literacy
body autonomy & self-determination
individualized medicine
natural medicinal allies
guest speakers & more!
The objective of these gatherings is:
Psychological & cellular decolonization from the medical industrial complex.
Anchor in new paradigms, beliefs & practical understandings about human health & disease.
Develop concrete skills & personalized health toolkits in homeopathy, natural medicine & traditional healing.
Workshops are accessible as one-time sessions or by monthly subscriptions. It is recommended to join the monthly subscription option so that you could receive continuous mentorship from me in the areas of energy medicine, homeopathy, natural medicine, decolonization & to liberate yourself thoroughly from the medical industrial complex and other predatory paradigms of Western colonization.