Health = Freedom // Dis-ease = Bondage

Liberation Medicine

9/16/20241 min read

Real medicine brings LIBERATION not enslavement.

Healing means getting free.🕊

Remember that dis-ease is a distortion at the level of the vital force or soul level, which is then expressed in the mental, emotional & physical bodies.

Healing means the soul is liberated from the distortions, toxicity, blocks, & dissonance that its accumulated through generations & in this lifetime.

Any medicine that doesn't bring the soul & the physical, emotional or mental bodies back to its natural state of freedom, is not medicine-- it's a drug.

And it's most likely a suppressive drug that increases distortion, toxicity, blocks & dissonance.

The best medicines are those that speak to, fine tune & FREE the SOUL & the WHOLE.

The best medicines is LIBERATION MEDICINE.