Homeopathy is Energy Medicine

Healing at the Root Cause


10/31/20242 min read

Homeopathy is often mistaken for herbalism or other traditional medicines but it is a complete system of ENERGETIC medicine with it's own scientific paradigm, guiding principles, laws, medicines, applications, etc.

Here's how Homeopathy is Energy Medicine...

Cosmic Laws

Homeopathy is energy medicine because it follows cosmic laws and it works on bringing balance and restoration back to the WHOLE being by addressing imbalances in the energy system of the person through the Alchemical Laws of Resonance, Potentization & Similars.

Law of Resonance & Dissonance

In homeopathy, we give an energetic medicine that resonates with the person's energetic system, where dis-ease in the mental, emotional or physical bodies originates. In other words symptoms, whether they show up as mental, emotional or physical symptoms, are signs pointing to a disturbance or a dissonance on the level of the vital force or the energetic body.

The ROOT CAUSE of dis-ease is dissonance in the energy body.

Because it's the energy body that is dis-eased or needs to be restored, it needs a medicine that is energetic.

How is homeopathic medicine energetic? Through a process in homeopathy we call... potentization.

Law of Potentization

Potentization is the alchemical process of extracting energy from matter.

Homeopathic remedies are potentized so that there are no material doses of the original substance.

Homeopathic remedies are not the actual substance but energetic imprints of a substance and they communicate and stimulate healing on the level of the vital force because they speak the language of energy.

And they heal because they speak a similar language of the person's energy body, they resonate.

Law of Similars

Healing at the root cause or at the level of the energetic system is reached by choosing a remedy that is similar in resonance to the energy system. Meaning, the remedy is vibrating at the same energetic frequency or the same energetic signature of the person.

Because the remedy resonates with the energetic system of the person, the energy body recognizes it and is brought out of dissonance and back into resonance, back into balance.

It returns to stillness & equilibrium (sukuun), therefore stimulating healing of all symptoms and of the WHOLE person.

Energy Medicine = Root Cause Medicine

When the energy body begins to heal, there is no longer a need for symptoms or the signs it was creating on the mental, emotional or physical levels to alert of the disturbance on the energy level.

The symptoms were simply reflections of the original patterns of dissonance or of the root cause. When the root causes is brought into balance, the symptoms disappear.

Unique Energetic Signature

Everyone is vibrating at their own individual, unique energetic imprint & there are substances & medicines in nature (& the imponderables) that are vibrating at your SIMILAR energetic imprint

As a homeopath, I help people heal by following the homeopathic alchemical principle of turning their specific individual dis-ease vibration into medicine that is also vibrational.

I help you find your personal constellation of energy medicines.

Reach out to book a clarity call and find out if you're ready to begin your journey to healing at the root cause.