When we are healthy, we are FREE
Liberation Medicine
What does it mean to be healthy?
We're healthy when we're free to express the unique living light of God within us & use our mind, body & soul for the higher purposes of our existence. Here's how...
We are healthy in mind when we are not bonded by group-think, when our thoughts flow freely & creatively & we are able to use our rational & cognitive faculties in service to the greater good.
We are emotionally healthy when we're able to respond from a place of objectivity & neutrality, free from our wounds & traumas.
We are healthy physically when our body & its many parts function harmoniously & free from suffering or codependence on drugs, chemicals & addictions.
When we are healthy mentally, emotionally & physically, we can be in alignment with our true nature, our soul.
We are soul healthy.
And when our souls are healthy, we are free to express the unique light of god within & be an instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.
When we are healthy, we are FREE!