Homeopathic Immunization
Homeopathic Detox
Soul Mapping
HTMA + Nutritional Balancing

The oldest you is the youngest you.

It’s so important to heal our inner child because it’s the deepest, oldest part of you.


It has the longest life span & memory… she’s in all your cells & levels of you.


She is the keeper of our oldest most entrenched habits & programs, our most subconscious & unaware secrets & triggers, our unseen autopilot patterns.


My inner child has been so triggered with my return to LA, the place i’ve called home since being displaced from my birthplace & ancestral homeland at 4 months old, which is the 2nd time I was uprooted & displaced. The 1st was in utero.


All she can think of & feel since we got back to LA a few days ago is…


*why did you kick me out LA?! Why didn’t you want me anymore?*


That’s the orphan archetype of my inner child. [see 3rd photo]


And she has been with me my whole life… since conception.


She is the oldest part of me– all of my life experiences & themes have been centered & organized around the shadow & light aspects of my orphan archetype.


What inner child archetype do you have? What theme has shown up again & again in many different iterations but all to heal your child & bring her into wholeness & union with you.

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